Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring melt-down?

"If I'm not effective in my own personal life, how can I possibly be effective for my students?"

I just read this in a blog on ASCD about spring break. It is the week we have waited for, it seems like, a long, long, long time. SPRING BREAK! For any or all of my teacher followers out there, I want to give you permission to take the the week.....YES the WHOLE week and take care of yourselves. Enjoy friends, family, "free time" and a morning lounging at Starbucks with a paper. I overheard a colleague saying yesterday that she was going to be by herself during spring break. Her kids were headed out of town, her brothers and sisters gone. "I don't quite know what I'll do with myself" she exclaims. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! Read a book. One that has NOTHING to do with teaching or working. Go for a walk. Go get coffee....and not at the drive thru. Sit down and read the paper. SLEEP IN! Like my blogger friend said, "If I'm not effective in my own personal life, how can I possibly be effective for my students?" Your students will thank you for it!